Lousy Blogger
I think I've decided that I'm a pretty lousy blogger. I have no idea how some of you out there post every day and sometimes multiple times per day. You are amazing! I've found it easy enough to think of ideas for posts but somehow by the time I get around to writing one it become a massive catch up list. Sheesh.
Well, anyway, Eva had her 9 month doctors appointment last week and is doing just fine. She maintains her string bean status at 90% for height and around 25% for weight. She's super cute (biased) and an incredibly happy girl. She is an amazing gift from God. We actually had her visit with one of the nurse practitioners and she was pleasant enough aside from the fact that she made me feel pressured about vaccinations. I guess this is just something that I'll have to get used to. The naturopathic doctor we see pointed out that so many doctors out there forget that we're hiring them to do a job for us, not the other way around. I guess that means that we can fire them too...I think they should be a little nicer.
For the past week I've had a pretty terrible head cold. I don't remember the last time I was this sick. It's no fun but I'm feeling 10 times better now than I felt at the beginning of the week. I think Eva had this too to a lesser extent. Her poor little nose has never been so crusty before. Eddie stayed home from work yesterday to rest up since he felt like it might be attacking him too. He went to work today even though he wasn't feeling 100%; don't I have a great husband? Hopefully, we'll all get lots of rest tonight and through the day tomorrow because tomorrow night is the long awaited arrival of Mom and Dadler!
If I know them, and I think I do, they'll probably get up in the wee hours of the morning to get an early start on the trip. Maybe we will all be able to have dinner together. I'll have to make sure it's something special to warm and relax them after many hours in an automobile. I think one positive thing about having a cold the week before you're supposed to have house guests is that it forces you to take it easy. So often I can get overly wrapped up in creating a good impression for whoever is coming over and I think that stems from my pride. I'm glad that my parents will be arriving before I have had time to finish painting the kitchen or cleaning up the basement (that means they can do it for me...just kidding). The reason I'm glad is because they'll arrive into our home as we live in it, not some perfect, pristine(HA!) place that doesn't really exist. And let's get real, if you can't show your home to your parents, who can you show it to? Don't worry Mom and Dad, I at least made sure your bathroom was clean.
I just found out yesterday that our home is going to become my workplace in a few weeks. I got an email saying I was accepted into the hotelling program at work and I'll be starting training for that on February 4th. Now I just need to come up with six days worth of child care while I'm in training full time. Yuck. Why do they want to train me on filling out my time sheet online when I've been doing that since the implementation of the online time sheet a couple years ago? Yes, I'm serious. What a waste of time. At least I'll be in training with my good friend Krista so we can pass notes like junior high. I'm also really excited to have my wonderful ipod touch which I will be sure to load with games.
Here's a little throw back picture. Eva on her second day of life. All together now, awwwwwwwwwww.
I'm sure there is more that I've thought of writing over the past two weeks but I can't remember. Hopefully, I'll get some posts out more frequently but don't count on it. :)
Posted in: on Friday, January 23, 2009 at at 2:41 PM 0 comments