Fall part 2
Busy busy continued right on into October. Both Eddie and I have our birthdays in October. Then there are all the traditional fall activities that we wouldn't want to miss out on. We visited Cox farms for the first time and that was so much fun. Eva had a blast trying out all their different slides. There was even a little farmer area where kids could try their hand at milking 'cows', pumping water and gathering corn off of a conveyor. It was a sweltering, hot day but that didn't spoil our fun. Eva went trick or treating on Halloween for the first time with Eddie and some neighborhood kids. It was a such a great time getting out with our neighbors and enjoying a crisp fall evening. Eddie V and I handed out candy to those who visited our house. I'm told that Eva was the most polite trick or treater out that night. :-)
November crept up on us and brought about some sad news, the passing of Eddie's grandmother. She was a wonderful woman who had a good, long life (96 years!!). We headed up to NY for her funeral and stayed a little over a week. We had already planned on visiting and then heading over to MA for Thanksgiving so we just extended our trip a little bit. We were away from home for 2 weeks, the longest we've ever been away. The kids were a little weary by the end of our visit, as were we all. It was so good to be able to see all of our family though. We enjoyed a lovely Thanksgiving at Mom and Dad A's house and we were joined by almost all of our northern family, on my side. No sooner did we arrive home to VA then Mom and Dad A came to visit us. They had purchased an amazing deal on airfare several weeks before we knew we'd be away from home for an extended period of time. We loved having them around and the extra hands were so welcomed.
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