Mother's Day

While we don't generally buy into commercial holidays Mother's Day is one that I'm really excited about. Being a mother brings so much joy into my life and knowing these feelings gives me a little more insight into how my mother and mother-in-law feel about Eddie and I. Wow. I can hardly wait to add more kiddos to our family so we can grow our love even bigger.

Eddie and Eva were very sweet to me on Mother's day. I didn't have to cook one thing all day! In the morning I was treated to delicious, fluffy blueberry pancakes. They were so good! Lunch yielded a grilled feast with chicken, corn on the cob (first of the season!) and baby potatoes. Dinner was so tasty pizza and salad. Afterward we went to get some frozen, that's good stuff!! Next time the family comes to visit we are taking you guys there! As you can tell the way to my heart is through my stomach. It meant so much to me to have a break and to be served by my hubby. He's a wonderful guy and I don't think I give him enough credit.

Eddie and Eva 'baked' me a surprise too. When I opened the oven there was some wonderful new kitchen gear. Some of our stuff is in pretty questionable shape from years of use so I got new baking pans, chopping mats and spatulas. What a treat!

Besides the gourmet meals and presents we went to church and since Eva's in the 1's class now we were able to have an uninterrupted time of worship and learning. I also got to take a great afternoon nap which was really needed and appreciated. Thank you so much to my awesome husband and beautiful daughter for a wonderful day.

Happy belated Mother's Day to all my mommy friends and family out there too!!

Wacky and loving it

As I sit upstairs trying to find a patent to reject an application about the side to side shifting of a fixing belt (yuck, I know) I can't help but smile as I hear my wacky little girl and equally wacky husband interacting downstairs. She's lately been doing this crazy little girl cackle. Her tone is very high pitched and she verges on sounding kind of insane if she wasn't just a little girl. It's all I can do to keep from laughing out loud as she sounds off and her Daddy responds in a very similar sound. Their back and forth banter warms my heart and brings a tear to my eye. I cherish these little snip-its and enjoy every moment of her uninhibited love and adoration for her dad and I while they last.

The pearly white cometh

Well folks, looks like my little Eva Bean is not doomed to a life of pureed delicacies after all!! For a few weeks now she's had a hard spot on her bottom left gums and in the past couple days the tooth has really started to pop out! She keeps it a pretty well hidden secret but we get the occasional glimpse here and there. I'll try and post a picture once she's willing to flash us a pearly smile. In the mean time, check out our new pics from April in our Picasa album.